Limitation Period for Suits relating Movable Property

Part VI of Schedule 1 of Limitation Act


Description of Suit :For  specific  movable  property  lost, or  acquired  by  theft,  or  dishonest misappropriation or conversion.

Limitation Period :Three years.

Time from which period begins to run : When  the  person having  the  right  to  the possession of the property first learns in whose possession it is.


Description of Suit :For other specific movable property.

Limitation Period : Three years.

Time from which period begins to run : When the property is wrongfully taken.


Description of Suit :To recover movable property deposited   or   pawned   from   a depository or pawnee.

Limitation Period :Three years.

Time from which period begins to run : The date of refusal after demand.


Description of Suit :To recover movable property deposited or pawned,and afterwards     bought     from     the depository    or    pawnee    for    a valuable consideration.

Limitation Period :Three years.

Time from which period begins to run : When  the  sale  becomes  known  to  the plaintiff.

