All offences and Penalties Under Information Technology Act 2002
Below is the list of all offences and penalties under Information Technology Act, 2006 Section 65 Offence : Tampering with computer source documents Section Description If a person knowingly or intentionally conceals, destroys or alters or intentionally or knowingly causes another to conceal, destroy or alter any computer source code used for a computer, computer programme, computer system or computer network, when the computer source code is required to be kept or maintained by law for the time being in force. Punishment Imprisonment up to three years, or/and with fine up to ₹200,000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Section 66 Offence : Hacking with computer system Section Description If a person with the intent to cause or knowing that he is likely to cause wrongful loss or damage to the public or any person destroys or deletes or alters any information residing in a computer res...