Can subsidiary company hold shares in Holding Company ?
Generally Subsidiary company CANNOT hold a shares of Holding Company. Its now allowed. Section 19 of Companies Act puts some restriction on having shares by subsidiary company. Section 19 also provides for exception in which subsidiary company can hold the shares of Holding company In below circumstances Subsidiary Company can hold the shares of Holding company: When the subsidiary company is the legal representative of deceased member of of the holding company. For example X Ltd is holding company and Y Ltd is subsidiary company. Y Ltd is also legal heir of Mr. A who is member of X Ltd. After Mr A dies, his shares in X Ltd will pass on to Y Ltd, thus enabling subsidiary company to hold a share of holding company When the subsidiary Company is trustee and the holding company or any of it's subsidiaries is not beneficially interested under trust. In this case subsidiary company holds the share as trustee When subsidiary company had shares in Holding Company even before...