Indian Legal and Constitutional History- August offer


Government of India Act 1935, passed after demands for self rule, provided for elections. It also have provisions related to power sharing among provinces and center.

In 1937, elections were held as per the provision of above act. Congress won in 7 of the 11 provinces. Even they emerge as largest party in other provinces. They started ruling. Though Governor general had veto power, Congress government started doing people friendly work.

In 1939, second world war started. India was also declared as country in a war by British government. Britain didn't even consult Indian leaders. Congress government formed after 1937 resigned. Congress wanted that British should declare their war aims. Like if they can grant complete freedom after war etc.

Some sort of Self Satyagraha was also started by leaders. Viceroy, Lord Linlithgow declared his policy towards India in August, 1940. This declaration is known as "August offer"

Provision of August offer

  1. Advisory War council would be established
  2. The executive council of Governor General would be expanded and more and more and  more Indians would be included in it's council
  3. After conclusion of war, body for Indian Constitution will be setup.
  4. Minorities will be protected.
  5. Britain would not transfer the responsibility for the peace and welfare of Indian to any government who authority was denied by large and powerful elements in the national life of the country.
  6.  Dominion status would be give to India

These were the provision of August offer. Congress didn't like it much as always.



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