Stockholm Declaration on Human Environment, 1972
Introduction Human activities had lead to irreversible damage to environment. This intervention lead to increase in temperature, floods, droughts, cyclones and other such events. The degradation was intensified after industrial revolution, dated back to 17th century. After world war 2, everybody wanted to be industrialized, developed and nuclear wielding Nation. This had further deteriorated the condition of environment. Well, some steps to prevent this destruction was need of the hour. Economic and Social Council, UN organ started some plan to organize a conference wherein Human interaction with environment can be discussed and steps can be taken for protection of environment. We have to see few things, like who were the parties ? What are the objective ? What all principles were laid down? And most important, Did this conference achieved it's objective? Who all were parties to this conference and where was it held? Lot of countries.!! Roughly 115 states par...